The survey results cover a wide spectrum of entomophobia (fear of insects) topics and—from the results given—it’s crystal clear that people dislike bugs with every fiber of their being. When encountering a bug in their home, only 27 percent of respondents said they’d try to catch and release it outside. The others say they immediately reach for the shoe, rolled-up newspaper, spray, or flamethrower. With the average respondent to this survey apparently losing 36 hours of sleep a year stressing about insects, it’s no wonder the group said they’d pay an average of $2,241 to never encounter a bug anywhere in the world for the rest of their lives. Such a drastic measure feels like it might result in some long-term ramifications rippling across the global environment—but fears aren’t rational, are they? As for the most hated insect, the survey also gave us a definitive ranking of people’s 15 least favorite creepy crawlers. Read on to see the full list, from least to most reviled based on the percentage of respondents who said they disliked them. Think you can guess the most hated overall? RELATED: This Is the Most Painful Insect Sting in the World, Scientist Says. 4 percent 4 percent 5 percent 5 percent 5 percentae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb 8 percent 9 percent 14 percent RELATED: 7 Things Bringing Wasps to Your Yard, Experts Say. 15 percent 25 percent 28 percent 28 percent RELATED: For more bug buzz delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. 29 percent 37 percent RELATED: If You Live in These States, Prepare to See More Tarantulas. 39 percent RELATED: If You See This Bug, Call Local Officials Immediately, Experts Warn.